317 research outputs found

    Chaos Theory and DNA Computation Based Data Encryption System for E-Healthcare Monitoring System

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    The body area sensor network consists of small motes, such devices are considerably energy constrained, limited computation capabilities, and small size of memory such that most advanced encryption scheme cannot be implemented in this type of sensor network. An encryption algorithm must be designed to be a tradeoff between simple computation and powerful encryption scheme. Our proposed algorithm consists of combination of two approaches DNA computation and chaos theory to improve the one-time pad encryption technique. In this work a small amount of memory capacity is required since acquiring samples were encrypted individually in real time. The proposed algorithm appears to be very secure. In this paper, we will explain briefly the design of the proposed algorithm and show its efficiency through encryption tests. Also the effect of some sample loss due to collision occurs in the communication has been studied. The algorithm has been simulated using MATLAB and tested practically using shimmer sensor network platform. Keywords: chaos theory, DNA computation, Body area sensor network

    A Pricing-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Stackelberg Game

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    We consider the problem of cooperative spectrum sharing among a primary user (PU) and multiple secondary users (SUs) under quality of service (QoS) constraints. The SUs network is controlled by the PU through a relay which gets a revenue for amplifying and forwarding the SUs signals to their respective destinations. The relay charges each SU a different price depending on its received signal-to-interference and-noise ratio (SINR). The relay can control the SUs network and maximize any desired PU utility function. The PU utility function represents its rate, which is affected by the SUs access, and its gained revenue to allow the access of the SUs. The SU network can be formulated as a game in which each SU wants to maximize its utility function; the problem is formulated as a Stackelberg game. Finally, the problem of maximizing the primary utility function is solved through three different approaches, namely, the optimal, the heuristic and the suboptimal algorithms.Comment: 7 pages. IEEE, WiOpt 201

    The role of the Hawza of Najaf and Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in restructuring the Iraqi governance system in post-Baathist Iraq

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    The role of the Shi\u27i religious establishment in the Iraqi transition since 2003 has been the subject of considerable research. To have clearer insight, the present research places this topic within the context of two critical frameworks: the doctrinal and structural aspect of the jurist\u27s guardianship and the religious-political potentials of the conflict between the Iranian walayat al-faqih and Ayatollah al-Sistani\u27s neo-quietist approach. In addition, it sheds light on al-Sistani\u27s influence over three areas: the constitution-making process, rule of law, and the issue of having clerics running in elections. The analysis presented in this paper examines how this Ayatollah\u27s views could affect the ideology and practice of Iraqi Shi\u27i political movements regarding the role of religion in the state. It analyses the role of the religious networks in shaping the prospective outcomes of this hidden dispute between the Iranian Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, and the Shi\u27i supreme marja\u27, Ali al-Sistani

    Centralized Database for Laboratory Test: A Case Study Of Oil Refinery

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    أن إدارة البيانات موضوع مهم في إدارة المعلومات و يمكن أعتمادها كمصدر من المصادر المعتمدة في المصانع والمصافي , حيث يمكن استخدام البيانات الصحيحة وذات الصلة كمصدر للمعلومات القيمة فيها و أتخاذ القرارت السليمة في العمل بناء عليها.و يعتبر نظام قاعدة البيانات الخيار الأفضل لأدارة البيانات بشكل كفوء.في مصافي النفط يكون للمختبرات دور مساند للعملية التشغيلية و يوفر للعاملين المعرفة المطلوبة لضمان السيطرة على الظروف التشغيلية للوحدات التشغيلية. . يمكن النظر الى النتائج المختبرية التي تجرى على نماذج النفط الخام الداخل لوحدة تكرير النفط الخام و المشتقات النفطية الوسطية و النهائية للوحدات التشغيلية في مصفى النفط كمصدر معتمد من ضمن المصادر فيه , و يتم ذلك بتخزينها كبيانات في قاعدة بيانات مركزية منصبة على شبكة إنترانت ذات نظام عميل -خادم. و بذلك تتم أدارة هذه البيانات بشكل كفوء بأستخدام الأنترانيت كشبكة خاصة مع قاعدة بيانات مركزية في مصفاة للنفط . و هذا سوف يوفر تبادل آمن وسريع للمعلومات داخل مصفاة النفط، ويؤدي الى تحسين إنتاجية الموظفين، وإدارة الوقت، والحد من العديد من المصروفات الإدارية، ويمكن أن تصمم شبكة الأنترانيت وفقا لاحتياجات المصفاة وان تخضع إلى السياسات الداخلية للمصفاة ، ثم أنها رخيصة التنفيذ والتشغيل. كذلك يتمكن العاملين في المصفى المرخصين العملاء من الوصول إلى قاعدة البيانات المركزية والأطلاع على هذه البيانات (النتائج المختبرية) باستخدام أجهزة الكمبيوتر الخاصة بهم في أماكن عملهم , وهذا سيوفر لهم الوقت ويمنحهم القدرة على اتخاذ القرار الصحيح المطلوب بسرعة لحل المشاكل التشغيلية الخطرة في الوحدة التشغيلية  ويؤدي إلى تحسين السيطرة النوعية و مراقبة الجودة في العملية التشغيلية في مصفاة النفط.The data management can be considered as an important subject in information management. The correct and relevant data can be used as a source of valuable information in organization like factories and refineries, and by good management of this data the right decision can be take. The database system is considered as the best choice to manage data efficiently. In oil refinery the laboratories will support the operational processing and provide the employees with knowledge to control the operational condition of unit operation. These laboratories results can be considered as a resource of information in oil refinery and stored in centralized database of client-server system installed on intranet. Using intranet as a private network with central database in oil refinery will provide secure and speed sharing of information within oil refinery, improve employee's productivity, time management, reduce many of the administrative expenses, it can be designed according to the needs of refinery and is subject to internal policies, at last it is cheap to be implemented and run. The authorized employees can access central database and see these laboratories results by using their clients' computers; this will save time and  give them the ability to take required right decision quickly in the operation unit and lead to improve quality control on the operational process in oil refinery

    Effect of Adding Lycopene to the Ration on Some Blood Serum Biochemical Traits of Broiler Ross 308

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    This study was conducted at Poultry Farm of Animal Resources Dept., College of Agriculture, University of AL-Qasim Green to investigate the effect of adding Lycopene to the ration on some blood serum biochemical traits of broiler Ross 308 . Use the 90 broiler chicks Ross 308 day-old were randomly assigned to three treatments (by 3 replicates per treatment 10 chicks per replicate),  and treatments were as follows : control group without adding lycopene to the diet, add lycopene by 250 mg / kg feed ( first treatment)  and add  lycopene by 500 mg / kg feed ( second treatment) . The experiment included a study of the following characteristics: concentrations of glucose , protein , cholesterol and triglycerides . The results indicated that the addition of lycopene by 250  and 500 mg / kg feed to broiler diet led to a significant improvement in blood serum biochemical traits of broiler  . Keywords : lycopene , blood serum biochemical traits , broile

    Libya and Illegal Transit Migration

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    This study investigates how illegal migrants from African countries crossed Libya’s land and maritime boundaries with the aim of reaching Europe, and the reasons why Libya became both a transit and a destination country